Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Goodbye, old house

Hello, Internet world. This is Daniel here. So far, Natalie has been doing the posting, and so as to not startle and confuse you too much -- I thought it prudent to let you know who was typing. You've been warned -- er, notified.

So yesterday I went back to our 'old home' in Kelowna one last time to hand back the keys to our wonderful landlords. They truly were the best close-proximity neighbours one could ask for. From the baskets of fresh garden produce left on our doorstep, to the hours spent playing with their cat (and now kittens!) it really was a blessing to have lived in such a great place. Not to mention, the view from our front door... and the fact that we were next to rolling cherry and apple orchards as far as the eye could see.

But when I was there yesterday, our old home was just an empty house. I can't wait to head on over to Togo to turn our new house into a home.

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