Monday, September 20, 2010

Summer in a nutshell

Whoa summer has just flown by. Hard to believe September is approaching it's end already, the summer months have just flown by at rapid speed.

What happened this summer? Summer started for me at the end of April so we'll start from there.

Practicum #1 finished for me
We moved to our new place
I got a job as a nanny (it was temporary and lasted for only 2 weeks)

Hung out with Daniels family over Mothers day weekend
Roadtrip to Rossland BC
Went to Seattle with my family for the folk festival

Daniel got a job as a reporter/photographer at the online news agency in town
Melissa came back from Europe & we got to drive home together from Vancouver
Melissa graduated from University!
Nick graduated from High school

I went to Calgary for two weeks for an Orff music and movement class (Daniel stayed back home)
One of Daniel's grooms dudes got married in Ed so we went there for the wedding
Family reunion-got to hang out with all the cousins and sleep at the cabin with all the cousins. It was awesome!
Daniel's family was here for the fest-we saw them a few times

Vince and Karla came to visit
Cabin week at the cabin
Krista got married
Went to last week of the bible course in Chilliwack
Opa B passed away

Opa B's funeral
School started

Overall it was a very full summer. I loved all the time spent with family including all my siblings, the parents, all the grandparents and cousins. I will treasure this time close to my heart. Though the summer seemed to end of on a sad note with Opa B leaving this world to enter the next, the family time right after the funeral was sweet and beautiful. I miss Opa B of course and am still grieving but know I'll see him again...