Sunday, August 14, 2011

A goodbye tribute

I wrote this next piece on the way back from my hometown while sitting on the bus in the Okanagan. There are a bunch of goodbyes I have had to say over the past couple days so please bear with me and the drama.

Goodbye house. You have been such a great place to live. We have many memories that we will hold dear to our hearts because of you. Thank you for being spacious and accommodating when we had people over. Thank you you for having all that cupboard space in the kitchen and a bath tub in the bathroom. We were so happy to live above ground and bask in the light from your many windows. You not having air conditioning has actually helped prepare us for Togo's climate. We will miss you.

Goodbye car. You were such a good car! So good in fact, that, it was hard to see you get towed away (even though it was by that good organization that helps people). You were my first car and you were given to me by opa. For seven years you drove me around to all the places I needed to be. We went everywhere together from the pacific ocean to the prairies, the north okanagn to the south, in winter and in summer. You drove others around to the places they needed to go and even experienced a few road trips with good friends. Thank you for all those memories.

Goodbye cabin. Every time we were together I knew that summer had officially began. Leaving you always meant that fall was fast approaching along withball it's changes including school, relocating etc. I have so many memories with you that I treasure. You welcomed so many people onto your dock over the years including dear friends and aging family members. The sleepovers with the cousins in the pink room and on the covered deck were something all of us looked forward too. The stories we will take with us are numerous. Know that we are looking forward ito a time when we can come to you again.

Goodbye Toby the dog. I never got to say a real goodbye to you or hug you one last time. You are the best dog a girl could have asked for even for a girl who is more a cat person than a dog person. Thank you for always being so excited to see me whenever I came home to visit especially after a hard day somewhere else. Please Keep mom & dad company while we are gone. You are a good dog Toby and know I will miss you a great deal.

Goodbye Tommy the cat. Alas you were the landlord's cat but, you became our cat too while we were at the house. You were so friendly & playful. You also did a fantastic job keeping the mice away which we really appreciated. You make a great mommy and know we will miss your two kittens too. They provided endless hours of entertainment these past few weeks.

Goodbye violin (also known as my baby). Dearest violin where will I be without you? We have played so much music together over the years. You were with me through symphonies, orchestras and all around the world You know that I would love to take you with me but I can not. It is safer for you here than it would be there's especially with the climate and humidity differences. You will not be forgotten. I know that my fingers will still know how to play when I get back as I am taking your cousin along. Take care of yourself dear friend.

Goodbye fast Internet connection. One doesn't realize what they have have until it's gone and that is how I feel about you. Over time we have become so comfortable with one another. I rely on you everyday and you almost always come through for me which is why I am having a difficult time imagining life without you. In Africa things just won't be the same without you. I won't be able to load YouTube videos at the same speed as I could before, streaming movies will be out of the question as well. The good news is those very annoying video ads will no longer be able to work where we are going.

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