Sunday, August 28, 2011

The first night

As promised here is an update of what happened after I got off the plane, gathered all my luggage and was dropped off at our new 3 bedroom house. There is a green gate that is covered with a variety of vines that mark the front enterance. When you walk through the front door you enter the living room and dining area of the house. To the left there is a hallway with three bedrooms and the main bathroom. To the right you,ll find the kitchen. Inside the fridge there were pinapples, oranges, tomatoes, lettuce, eggs, milk, bread, drinking water and Gouda cheese!

I spent the first night unpacking until about 10:00 when I tried to sleep. Of course the 7 hour time difference is quite large so I was unsuccessful for most of the night. In our back yard there is a group of animals that like to party until the wee hours of the morning. Some of the animals I hear were fruit bats the others I still have not figured out. Unfortunately that first night I was convinced they were rats. As many of you know I am terrified of rats. This is not helped by all the stories I have heard coming from other parts of Africa where rats snack on human ears, feet and noses. Needless to say the next morning I looked terrible.

On a side note in the villages bush rat is quite a delicacy. Bush rats can grow to be as big as house cats here! I wish I would have gotten a picture of one that aman was trying to sell at th side of the rd but he was looking to sell it not have tourists takes pictures of his prized catch.

More to come...

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