Saturday, September 3, 2011

Internet and interesting computer quirks

Today I am very thankful that the Internet problems were all sorted out yesterday and now we have wireless Internet at the house. After living 2 weeks without it, it feels like quite a luxury to use my IPad to talk to from the comfort of the couch in living room, as oppose to the concrete step outside the ict room at school at 11:00 at night.

My Dell laptop has been acting up these days though. Whenever it is plugged into the wall (via the charger, surge protector, adapter/converter) the touch mouse acts up. It acts as though the left mouse button is stuck so my mouse arrow will click on everything it passes as I drag it along the screen. For the first few days I didn't make the connection that it only happened when it was plugged in so I was ready to throw my Dell in the rubbish bin as it was so frustrating to try and get anything done. But now that I know I just charge it at night and use it with only it's battery during the day when I need it.

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