Thursday, September 29, 2011

One more day...

Tomorrow Daniel arrives in Togo. It will have been 6 weeks (44 days to be exact) since we waved goodbye to one another as I headed through security in the Vancouver airport. Since then, we have talked on Skype every 2 or 3 days depending on if internet was up in running. We have also written emails and the occasional text message, but, it's not quite the same as being in the same place at the same time.

I am so excited he'll be here at this time tomorrow. I am excited because he is my soundboard and I can bounce ideas off him about teaching, about learning and adjusting to life here in Togo. I am excited because this house won't always be empty when I come home now. I am excited because he will see this place through new eyes and not be stuck in the house-work-house-work rut I seem to be in these days. I am excited because he'll be bringing a taste of home with him in the form of maple fudge. I am excited because he will have pictures with him that we can put up on the walls of people back home. I am excited because 44 days is a long time to be away from my best friend.

The past few weeks have reminded me of a quote I heard sometime in a place somewhere that goes "the days are long but the years are short." Some days have felt very long the past 6 weeks. Some days have felt like weeks. And I know just like today, tomorrow will feel like a very long day but it will get here as soon as it can... So until tomorrow I wait and I whisper "only one more day..."

1 comment:

Melanie said...

you can do it! But I know how one day (or 3 days) can feel like an eternity! Praying for Daniel's safe arrival and a happy reunion :)