Friday, September 16, 2011

A fantastic Friday

Today was a fantastic day. It was a day where I was reminded about how much I love teaching. Since the beginning of my week holds all my prep times Thursdays and Fridays are my longest and busiest days. By the end of the week I am exhausted but not today. Today was a fantastic day. It seems that my connection with the middle school students is really starting to take form. The students are becoming more interested in music which makes my job so much easier. We currently are working through a unit which draws on numerous musicians throughout history including Bob Dylan, John Lennon, Stravinsky, Wagner, Michael Jackson and Lady Gaga to name a few. How will it all come together? We will see. Since there is a serious lack in musical instruments in the music department at this moment in time, we are currently working on analyzing different types of music as well as singing. what will the final product look like? We will have to wait and see.

The day finished with primary movie night where I had the chance to watch the movie Rio with a bunch of primary students. If ever you want to see a kids film make sure you watch it with kids around. Their giggles of delight, gasps of horror and running commentary can really add to the atmosphere of the film. Watching it made me miss someone though... Dearly!

Daniel will be here in exactly 1 week, 6 days, 21 hours and 9 minutes from this point in time. I will say that this six week separation feels more like ten years than a mere 44 days. Absence may make the heart grow fonder but it sucks! I can't wait until my best friend arrives and walks off that plane. Life isn't quite the same without him here. Skype helps a bit but it is not the same.

If there is is time I will update more later this weekend on how things have come together in the music room storage closet, how I spend my weekends and life outside the after community.

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