Sunday, February 27, 2011

And the answer is...

No. I did not get the job in Kenya.

We were quite disappointed to hear that but when things are meant to be they happen and when they don't they weren't meant. Now the waiting game begins with the other schools I applied to. Two have already written back to tell me they have filled the vacancies for this upcoming year.

Have we considered the option we may be here for a year? The answer to that question is yes. This answer saddens us as we have been working towards Africa for so long. Timing is everything though...

In the meantime I am focusing on completing my practicum as I only have another 5 teaching days left. I will miss my grade 4/5's tremendously. I have learned so much from them about teaching, homework, classroom management and life in general. When I think back to my grade 4/5 teachers I don't remember much about them negative or positive but one thing I hope is that I made a positive impact on these students-that I inspired them to reach for the stars and beyond, that I encouraged them to try their best and that I made them work hard. A professor at school said that as a teacher, students may not remember much about their teacher but they will remember if the teacher cared and how the teacher made them feel. I hope these little guys could feel that I put my heart into teaching them and helping them to the best of my abilities.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I'm sorry. I know you would love to go back to Africa one day. I'll pray that God shows you his perfect timing. Hugs.