Saturday, September 8, 2012

Hello Togo, We're Back

Wow. Where did summer go?

It seems like we blinked and June, July and August vanished. Poof.

It was a whirl-wind end to the school year and then a crazy jam-packed summer of visiting friends and family across North America.

And before we knew it, we were standing in the customs queue at Kotoka International Airport being hassled by a customs guard who insisted our year long visa, which we got last November, was no longer valid. In August.

Ahhh, welcome home!

Believe it or not, getting back to Togo was remarkably uneventful! No massive breakdown in the hired car, no hassles at the border, nothing. It was wonderful!

Incredibly, all our luggage arrived in one piece and not one bag had been opened, searched or rifled through.

Togo feels a lot more like home now. We know the people, the place.. It's familiar.

N walking April the dog on a lovely cool September evening.

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