Saturday, October 15, 2011


It's been two weeks since I arrived in Togo, so I figured it is high time I share some photos on the blog.

It is now half-term break, so Natalie and I will be enjoying a much needed rest one country over in Benin!

When we get back, Natalie will be crazy busy preparing for all the Christmas performances, etc. while I work on a few stories for several clients. More on those at a later date... but rest assured I am very very busy and not at all bored!

For now, enjoy the photos!

We hung out with this young girl outside the local photo lab as we waited for some visa photos. Not a word from her, just a big smile.

The beach. You can't safely swim, but it is nice to sit and watch the waves.

It seems that every street is under construction.. massive detours everywhere!

Deep fried baby barracuda. Tender and tasty, mmmm.

This is our street.

One block away, the street to the president's house. For some reason, his streetlights always work!

The ice-cream man comes around on a bicycle here.. A good way to cool down for 30 cents. Unless it is the ice-cream vendor who comes by our house honking his horn at 7 am ... every morning. Who wants ice-cream that early?

'Hedzranawoe' is the 'dead white man' market where you can get any second hand (and some new) clothes or shoes you could possibly want. Most comes from Europe or N. America, and the nickname 'dead white man' is because the locals don't believe there is anything but death that would separate a white man from their clothes.

Lastly, enjoying Canadian Thanksgiving with friends at our place. Chicken, mashed potatoes, stuffing and gravy. mmm.

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