Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sent away...

Sent off the application to one international school in Kenya. The application itself was like a mini interview asking me questions like:

  • Why do you feel called to be a teacher?
  • Describe your professional growth in the past 2 years.
  • Why are you interested in teaching at ________ School?
  • What positive qualities do you bring to our school? What extra curriculars would you be willing to get involved with?
  • Describe your personal and professional goals in the next five years.
  • Describe a typical lesson plan format you might use.
  • How do you assess student learning?

This application took quite a bit of time to write an perfect. There were only about 10 typed lines per answer so every word had to count.

Now its a matter of waiting to see if I managed to get an interview.

In the mean time this semester of school wraps up. D & I will be heading to Edmonton for a weeks time to visit his family. After that we come back to the Ok area to spend Christmas with my family. School starts up again the first week of January but instead of sitting in classes taking notes I'll be the one teaching. I am in a grade 4/5 class at a school some might describe as 'inner city'.