Saturday, November 12, 2011


Part of N's agreement with her school is that they provide housing. Very, very, nice, impressive housing. But just like all houses, things break or need repairing. The school takes care of all the maintenance at all 25+ of their houses and we must fill out 'work order request forms' whenever something needs repairing. And then wait.

Ever since we moved to this house, there has been a long list of things that need doing due to the previous tenant's lifestyle. Screens for the doors. Doors that actually close. Cupboards. Cupboards that don't fall over as soon as you put something in them.

The list has been getting shorter much quicker than we expected, but one thing that has been neglected is the toilet paper holder. I never knew how much I missed a simple fixture that holds a roll of chaffing, itch-inducing poorly recycled paper (now including bits of plastic for your wiping pleasure!)

After over a month of asking, one of the school's repairmen came over, and five minutes later, we finally had a toilet paper holder!!! No more twisting around, trying to find where it has rolled behind the toilet, only to find that the ants and cockroaches found it first...

Hopefully this month we can resolve the dozen dead power outlets, the bedroom door that won't stay shut, and maybe find a shower hose that doesn't leak all over the bathroom floor (leaving you ironically dry).

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